
Research focusing to traditions of non-timber forestry products (NTFP) and agroforestry methods (wp 1) is coordinated by NarFu. NarFu collected information from North-West Russia. In Finland LUAS and Luke gathered information about the harvest and use of forest berries, natural plants and mushrooms. NIBIO collected information from Norway. Report of the wp1 was completed in spring 2019.Use of existing virtual environment for agroforest activivites planning is coordinated by LUAS. Luke has developed further exicisting bilberry harvest model, which will be used in the development of the virtual environment. Technical execution of the visualisation will take place 2020-2021. Agroforestry field pilots have been done in all three countries in May-October 2019. Wp is coordinated by Nibio – Nibio started bilberry field trials. In Finland bilberry pilots were founded by Luke and LUAS. Field trials include manipulation of bilberry vegetation aiming to improve bilberry yields. LUAS founded also chaga pilot areas. In Russia NarFu has done studies of the yields of cranberries in artifical plantations in cooperation with OOO Northern Cranberry company. NarFu has also done preliminary calculations of annual mushroom, berry and plant yields.Narrative report of the project results of the first reporting period (5.11.2018-31.8.2019) has been sent to project MA in November 2019. 

Tulosten hyödynnettävyys

Hankkeen tarkoituksena on kehittää metsien moninaiskäytön suunnittelua ja edistää alan liiketoimintaa. Tuloksia hyödynnetään opetuksessa, metsien käytön suunnittelussa ja uudenlaisessa liiketoiminnassa. Kansainvälisiä kontakteja hyödynnetään mahdollisten uusien hankkeiden suunnittelussa, jonka lisäksi mahdollisia yhteistyömahdollisuuksia opetuksessa selvitetään hankkeen aikana.