Our stories – the business of using storytelling to draw people in Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Saila Puukko Aikataulu 1.8.2016 -30.06.2019 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 792750 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 47596 € Koulutus Kuvataide Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet Interreg Nord 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite Common culture and history is strongly represented along the Northern Lights Route, combining Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian borders. The bordering countries’ share growing consciousness of common roots and identity, which is the basis for the cross-border project. At the moment there is a route, but more activity is needed along the route. The vision is to contribute a mechanism for making the north Calotte region more active, vivid and attractive with increasing business opportunities through stories & storytelling. Region specific languages and cultures are essential part of stories, particularly Sami culture, as well as Meänkieli and Kven-language. The stories will be made visible through different forms and expressions, like Storybook, music production, short film production and oral storytelling. Project specific objectives are:to develop story collection and selection methodologies in various waysto specify and collect interesting local stories along the route, utilizing traditional methodologies and digitalized technology,to give locals tools and information to strengthen and maintain identity by utilizing common cultural heritageto improve storytelling capabilities in the region by offering companies and other stakeholders tools for story design/storytelling using training/workshops andto promote cross-border and cross-sectoral networking with companies (tourism) and other stakeholders (municipalities and associations) The project will collect stories from both locals and visitors. Stories will be collected with 1) Storyteller gatherings and interviews 2) Social media/interactive website and 3) Literature research. The project generates a common ‘Northern Lights Story Arc’. Project partners has special role in both story collection and production. Project associates will support project by informing and disseminating project activities and results.The stories will be made visible through different forms and expressions: 1) Storybook, 2) music production, 3) short film production and 4) oral storytelling with drama elements. The project supports EU Interreg Nord program’s special objective 3.1. ‘The culture and cultural heritage of the region is strengthened and revitalized’. The project activities support the development and preservation of common cultural heritage and cultural identity among the people living in the region. New media technologies and ancient storytelling principles are applied into making the regional culture along the Northern Lights Route more visible and preserved for future generations. The project will also give a significant contribution to Europe 2020 objectives and the strengthening of social cohesion by highlighting topics like Smart growth; conditions for companies to innovate, digitalisation and enhancement of the competitiveness of the European tourism sector. Tulokset The project produce following results 1) new, refined methodologies for a story collection and selection, 2) increased visibility of local stories in different digital platforms, 3) knowledge and inspiration on storytelling and story design and 4) selection of prototyped productions and cultural exchange in the region across borders. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Tarinat ja tuotannot ovat digitaalisesti esillä verkossa, jota ylläpitää kumppanimme Ihana as! Norjasta. Hankkeen päätavoitteena on nostaa alueen yhteistä identiteettiä sekä kehittää tarinankeruu ja valintamenetelmiä. Nämä tullaan esittelemään projektin päätösseminaarissa sekä julkaisussa. Tarinat ja tarinatuotannot tulevat olemaan avoinna kaikille halukkaille. Tavoitteena on myös verkottaa alueen yrittäjiä ja inspiroida heitä tarinallistamisen. Hankkeen lopuksi heillä olisi enemmän konkreettisiä työkaluja oman liiketoiminnan tarinallistamiseen. Projektissa on rahoittajan palautteen perusteella myös visioitu entistä syväluotaavampia tarinallistamistoimenpiteitä jatkohankkeessa.