Arctic and North Atlantic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Eija Raasakka Aikataulu 3.9.2018 -29.02.2024 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 104437.5 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Matkailu Osaamisryhmä Vastuulliset palvelut Rahoituslähteet Horizon 2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite The overall aim of the project is to fast-track uptake of existing innovations and knowledge by practitioners, predict future needs for innovation and knowledge, and identify priorities for security and standardisation across the ANA region. The network activities will include meetings, surveys, analysis, participatory workshops, innovation and knowledge exchange events, stakeholder events, catastrophe simulations via a major live exercise and table top exercises, and a large international conference. The ARCSAR network platform will be a user-friendly system underpinned by a highly functioning IT support, to facilitate direct collaboration between practitioners and stakeholders. The platform will be designed to ensure sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project. ARCSAR will provide recommendations for network-based solutions and effective and efficient management of joint operations in the Arctic and North Atlantic region, between safety and security professionals, the industrial and academic actors, and the local communities of the Arctic and North Atlantic ensuring preparedness for catastrophes, and protection of this important region for its people, economy, and environment.The specific objectives of the ARCSAR project are:1. To establish and support a new Arctic and North Atlantic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network (ARCSAR) for practitioners involved in front-line security and emergency response, directly involving practitioners, existing networks, stakeholders in universities, research centres, and industry, and thoseinvolved in governance, and policy-making. [WP1]2. To gain an increased understanding of target areas for improvements in security and emergency capabilities across the Arctic and North Atlantic (ANA) region, by defining situations of hazard and accidents, and security threats, comprehensively mapping the needs for response measures required in different operational areas. [WP2]3. To monitor innovation and research including ideas, projects, products, services or systems for better security, disaster risk and crisis management in the ANA region through participatory activities in the network, matching appropriate solutions with the needs of security and emergency response practitioners, through dedicated innovation transfer activities in order to fast-track uptake. [WP2]4. To investigate more efficient use of competence development infrastructure for practitioners and other actors to facilitate knowledge transfer through dedicated training and exercise schemes with a special focus on tacit knowledge. [WP2]5. To identify critical barriers and gaps in capacity, competence and infrastructure of professional security and emergency response practitioners through close interaction with them across operational areas, and identify future needs for innovation and knowledge. [WP3]6. To identify common platforms and opportunities for joint emergency response in the Arctic and North-Atlantic region through exchange of best practice concepts and standardization approaches, and to stimulate partnership for sufficient response capability to protect Arctic and North Atlantic commercial actors, inhabitants and the ecosystem in to the future. [WP4]7. To proactively disseminate the project results and communicate the project activities to relevant end-users and stakeholders. [WP5] Tulokset A high-profile launch of the ARCSAR network, raising awareness and ensuring visibility of the project andits activities. – A respected and trusted pan-European network of front line practitioner groups and stakeholders in the Arctic and North Atlantic region. The network will be attractive to new members in Europe or internationally, with high levels of engagement and impressive membership numbers from emergency system professionals. – Practical cross-border coordination and cooperation between coast guards, rescue centers, other authorities, industry groups, private operators, academia and volunteer organizations, facilitated by the 19 joint network events and supported by a highly functional network platform.– A comprehensive map of current practitioner needs for innovation and knowledge exchange in the ANA region. – Increased information sharing between and across practitioner groups, and other stakeholders, through the network knowledge exchange facility, peer to peer learning and practitioner forum. A catalogue of joint exercises and lessons learned via the common platform, network events, and case studies.– Faster uptake of uptake of tested innovative solutions, particularly in communications networks and connections, surveillance, risk management, navigation, and survival and rescue equipment, evidenced by interesting success stories and an ARCSAR case study book.– Better definition and characterization of potential seaborne disasters, catastrophic incidents, and security threats in the ANA region and greater clarity on the critical gaps and needs in capacity, competence and infrastructure of practitioners working in the ANA region. This will be evidenced by the completion of the major live exercise and table top exercises, to be documented and filmed.– Policy paper on future needs for innovations and knowledge, and practitioner-led guidelines for interfaces between emergency and security practitioners in ANA region. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys ARCSARin tulokset jäävät elämään hankkeen jälkeen siten, että paikallisyhteisöjen valmius kohdata erilaisia häiriötilanteita on parempi, ja esimerkiksi viranomaiset ja koulutustoimijat ovat paremmin tietoisia eri syistä johtuvista kriisitilanteista arktisella alueella.