
The ARINKA project aims to develop a cross border railway research and development collaboration between parties from the different countries in the Kolarctic region. The purpose of this collaboration is to learn from each other, built new competence, develop new and innovative railway solutions, exchange know-how and best practices solutions from the railway industry in order to increase railway reliability and ensure sustainability in railway transport and operations under cold climate conditions.

In sum this competence could be used to develop new and better railway infrastructure and to improve existing railway maintenance operations, methods and services. The railway companies (Bane Nor, October Railway Company, Trafikverket and Väylävirasto) in Kolarctic will be part of the ARINKA project, participating in the ARINKA Reference & Technical advisory group, attending work-shops & mini-conferences, technical- and review meetings.


Methods and technological demos, deliverables, concepts of new technology and methods provided by the ARINKA project will be discussed, disseminated and presented to the railway companies throughout the entire execution of the project. New technology, solutions, best practises will be discussed, evaluated and made available for the railway companies. ARINKA will prioritise implementation initiatives (an implementation plan will be established and followed up) with the goal of improving railway and train operations and maintenance in Kolarctic. Implementation initiatives will be the responsibility of the railway companies.

The execution of the implementation projects is their responsibility during the ARINKA project also after completion of the ARINKA project. The key goal for the ARINKA project is to deliver high quality technology solutions and method concepts relevant for the industry. Good solutions, successfully implemented will provide better operability and more cost-effective maintenance of the Kolarctic railway network with sustainable solutions and improved sustainability.

Partners:Northern Research Institue Narvik, Norway (lead partner)Bane NOR, NorwayLuleå University of Technology, SwedenTrafikverket, SwedenKola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaEmpreror Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, RussiaOctober Railway, RussiaLapland University of Applied Sciences, FinlandVäylävirasto (Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency), Finland

Contact Person:Jukka LeinonenProject ManagerTel: +358 50 316 7692Email: jukka.leinonen@lapinamk.fi

The duration of the project is 15.10.2018 – 31.10.2021.

Tulosten hyödynnettävyys

Results from the project will be published in relevant medias and on project related websites.