Barents Region Initiative for Developing Growth and Employability Rahoittajat Sisältöön liittyvät linkit Siirry hankkeen omalle sivulle Lisätietoa Teresa Chen Aikataulu 1.11.2018 -30.06.2022 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 343584 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 34359 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Liiketalous, Tornio Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet ENI Kolartic CBC 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite BRIDGE will enhance employability of university graduates; help to overcome a gap between requirements of SME and students’ competence level. BRIDGE provide firms with opportunity for becoming acquainted with future employees, students for meeting potential employers. Cross-border tourism, critical income source in peripheries, will be main field of action. BRIDGE relies on supporting international knowledge mobility. Existing partnership of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) serves partnership building with SME. Overall objective is support of youth employment and economic growth by building a joint education platform of HEI-SME. International groups of last-year students will write pre-graduation theses for firms, solving tasks in product/ service innovation, customer development, market entry. Student competencies span Business and Tourism Management, Information Technology, Law, Language and Intercultural communication. As home country ambassadors, students help solving cross-border business communication problems. Tulokset Creation and maintenance of partnership between SMEs, municipalities, universities/UAS, business associations and such. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys New/ improved business cooperation across borders; Work-experienced graduates; New employment relationships; HEI–SME best practice network for further cooperation; Set of methods in case-based innovation for educators and business managers; Project research papers