
As outlined by the EU BC policy initiative, there is a need for a common direction for countries andorganizations to reduce black carbon emissions in the Arctic while paying attention to climate changeand human health. Therefore, cities in NW Russia are of great interest due to prevailing extensivefossil energy production and related health problems. Mining city of Kovdor is an example of such asituation deserving immediate actions because of the worsening health status of citizens.For serving a larger number of beneficiaries and for perceiving the systemic nature of BC issues in aregional context, the roadmap formulation should be seen more broadly than considering one cityonly. Administrative region serves here as a natural boundary for road map systems analyses.The system to be formulated should include major sources of BC and GHG emissions and all relevantmeans to mitigate them.The system at large may be divided into three major sections; Techno-economic elements, Socioeconomicgoals and preconditions, and Cross-border viewpoints. The desired roadmap would integrate above dimensions (TEEs, SGPs and CBVs) within the BC nexus.After the project, participants and beneficiaries would be able to create a more holistic view of it, andwould be able to determine in more detail e.g the following:- what is the priority order in cutting down BC and GHG emissions from the point of climate changemitigation?- what is the above priority order to alleviate health problems at local and regional levels?- what is the role of local and regional renewable energy sources now and in the future?- what should be done to increase energy- related employment at local and regional levels?- how to utilise findings from on-going (and previous) CBC projects?- what are the potential gaps in on-going rdi- work and projects?- how current legislations enable or prevent favourable developments?- how should we improve training and education to serving societal (and techno-economic) needs infuture?- what are major national (and regional) actions to maintain the succesfull execution of the roadmapin the future?


The specific objective is to construct a Black Carbon mitigation roadmap for decision makers in threeregions.
  • State-of-the-art roadmap for Black Carbon mitigation
  • 4 Workshops