Cooperative campus Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Marjo Jussila Aikataulu 1.3.2020 -31.08.2021 Koulutus Liiketalous, Tornio Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet Horizon 2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite The project purpose is to develop a new programme (cooperative campus) outside theeducational environment that enables young people to experiment a real cooperative experiencestrengthening their entrepreneurial mind-set and skills.The cooperative campus programme will be jointly developed and tested with a group of 10-15participants by each partner and evaluated in order to be mainstreamed and endure beyondproject lifetime. Cooperative Campus will constitute an innovative and transferable tool to placecooperative entrepreneurship as an attractive and viable career choice for young people.Young participants experience in the campus will include basic practical training on cooperativeentrepreneurship; start up a cooperative activity addressing a specific challenge and an evaluationand transnational exchange with participants from other countries.Young participants in the campuses will become ambassadors of cooperative entrepreneurshipwith their own experience and storytelling for a raise awareness campaign in their territories and atEU level.The official website for Cooperative Campus Tulokset The design, test, consolidation and dissemination of an innovative and replicable cooperativeentrepreneurship programme will contribute to:Strengthen cooperative local ecosystems: young people, vocational training centres/universities/youth organisations and cooperatives and social economy enterprises.Raise the knowledge about values of the co-operative business model and its potential to tackle European youth unemployment.Improve the image of cooperative entrepreneurship through real inspiring storytellingContribute to young people capacity building and skill development engaging them in cooperative activities addressing a challengeIncrease the attractiveness of setting up a cooperative in the perception of young people Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Osaaminen, verkostot ja valmennusmalli jää AMK:in käyttöön.