
The aim for the Digitally Connected Forest Operation Value Chain (ForOps) project is to develop a new digital platform promoting enhanced and more efficient cooperation between various forest service providers, individual entrepreneurs and forest owners. The developed end product will aid in division of work in forestry sector, improving the overall capacity to manage and maintain valuable forest resources in East and North Finland.


In ForOps project the main goal is to develop Arbonaut’s ProMS platform in order for it to be used as a ‘forest work bank’; as a general silvicultural work assignment, tracking and reporting platform. In addition to technical development to the platform, together with the project partners Lapland UAS and Rajaforest the new platform will be tested in real operational environment. The new solution can also be used to manage work outside actual silvicultural operations – this includes for example forest road maintenance planning and management, as well as multiple uses of forest, such as berry-picking or other non-wood product collection purposes.

Tulosten hyödynnettävyys

Hankkeessa Arbonaut oy:n toimesta kehitettävä sovellus on saatavana rajoitetuin toiminnoin myös avoimena versiona. Sovellusta on mahdollista hyödyntää metsänomistajien, metsäpalveluyritysten ja oppilaitosten toimesta esimerkiksi metsävaratiedon ja työnhallinnassa.