Disruptive Information Technologies for Artic Regions Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Eila Seppänen Aikataulu 13.1.2020 -30.06.2023 Budjetti Lapin AMKin kokonaisbudjetti 279972 € Lapin AMKin omarahoitus 27997 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Tietojenkäsittely Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet ENI Kolartic CBC 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite The purpose of the project DIT4BEARS was to develop innovative technologies in transport and communication networks and systems and to distribute them within a Living Laboratory in Disruptive Information Technologies (Living Lab DIT4BEARs). The project faced challenges in the field of transport (taking into account specific topological and weather conditions), movement of people and goods within the region and transport security in connection to IoT enabled reindeer husbandry. Tulokset The specific user case of Lapland University of Applied Sciences was ConnectedDeer. This use case was dedicated to IoT-enabled reindeer husbandry. This topic was inspired by the realization that industrialization brought modern transportation to the region, which had a negative impact on reindeer. For example, due to the herding nature of reindeer, a train collision could injure or kill hundreds of animals at once. It was known that in Scandinavia, more than 9,000 reindeer were killed every year on roads and railways (with an estimated cost of 15 million EUR). Reducing losses of reindeer to traffic has a positive effect on animal welfare, the economy, and traffic safety.To address this problem, the DIT4BEARS project aimed to create an Internet of Things (IoT)-inspired digital platform with the capability to provide a range of services that ensured the safety of reindeer on roads. The original idea, however, faced some problems related to energy consumption of a suitable size tracker with real-time location tracking. The project concentrated on following aspects to enhance the development in future:- Testing and studying of different tracker and energy solutions, including but not limited to battery solutions, trackers, digital fences, satellite tracking, reindeer pasture area studies based on past tracking data etc.- Compiling and exhanging knowledge of the ecosystem related to reindeer herding, trafic and technology in forms of questionnaire, meetings and interviews- Organising a hackathon about the topicTo better familiarise yourself with the results, please visit the project website on www.dit4bears.org or learn more about Connected Deer case on our publications:Utilizing Reindeer Location Data for Traffic Safety: Opportunities and Barriers from the Perspective of Reindeer Husbandry (article in Finnish)Porojen sijaintidatan hyödyntäminen liikenneturvallisuudessa: mahdollisuuksia ja esteitä poroelinkeinon näkökulmasta – Lumen (eoppimispalvelut.fi)RDI Activities and Their Integration into Education: Case DIT4BEARS + Hackathon. TKI-toiminta ja sen yhdistäminen opetukseen: Case DIT4BEARS + Hackathon – Lumen (eoppimispalvelut.fi)Connected Reindeer Hackathon Challenge for entrepreneurial learning in digital business – UAS JournalPorotokkaa etsimässä – YouTube – a song about the challengePorojen liikennevaroitusten liiketoimintaekosysteemi – DIT4BEARs -hankkeen tuloksia – YouTubeDIT4BEARs-hankkeessa kartoitetun porojen liikennevaroitusten liiketoimintaekosysteemin haasteita – YouTubePoropaikantamista arktisissa oloissa tieturvallisuuden parantamiseksi (lapinamk.fi)