Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Reeta Sipola Aikataulu 1.9.2018 -31.12.2021 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 199742 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 20972.91 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Maaseutuelinkeinot Osaamisryhmä Tulevaisuuden biotalous Rahoituslähteet NPA 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite Project outline: Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship (EWE) by enhancing regional entrepreneurship ecosystems. Challenges to be addressed: · women are generally under-represented in entrepreneurship – project seeks to increase the contribution of women to growing the economy · youth out-migration, especially young women, seeking education / employment – project seeks to reduce outmigration by retaining existing female entrepreneurs and encouraging young women to become entrepreneurs in remote and sparsely populated communities Target groups are female business start-ups and experienced female entrepreneurs, including young women, indigenous and immigrant women. Target sectors are determined by regional circumstances and potentially include retail, media and marketing, health and beauty care, leisure and recreation (bio-economy, creative businesses) food and natural products (green care), ICT, childcare, elder care, agriculture.Project has four main themes:WP1 – Improving regional business environment WP2 – Transnational learning of woman entrepreneurs WP3 – Gender-sensitive coaching concept for business advisors WP4 – Innovation platform for new pre-startups Tulokset Outcome of the projectgreater understanding of regional and transnational barriers which impact negatively on women entrepreneurenhanced business support ecosystem across regions for start-ups and small businesses which helps address these barriers (including gender-aware / gender-specific deliveryapplication of interventions to participant female start-ups and existing entrepreneurs which help address these barrierssharing of transnational learning on successful business models to the benefit of each region Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Hankkeessa käytettäviä mentorointi- ja sparrausmenetelmiä hyödynnetään hankkeen jälkeen. Myös start-up-yritysten ja olemassaolevien yrittäjien yhteistyötä jatketaan hankkeen jälkeen.