DEPLOYTOUR – Deployment of a trusted and secure Common European Tourism Data Space Lisätietoa Eeva Helameri Aikataulu 1.10.2024 -30.09.2027 Budjetti Lapin AMKin kokonaisbudjetti 302598 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Matkailu Osaamisryhmä Vastuulliset palvelut Rahoituslähteet DIGITAL EUROPE Hankkeen tila Käynnissä Osaamiskärjet Uusi luksus matkailun muuttuvissa toimintaympäristöissä Tavoite The main objective of DEPLOYTOUR as defined in the DEP Call is ‘to develop a trusted and secure common European data space for tourism, which will provide the ecosystem with access to information, with an impact on productivity, greening and sustainability, innovative business models and upskilling. It will give the possibility of aligning offers to tourists’ expectations, adapting service proposals to new tourist groups, predicting a high influx of tourists, and thus allow planning of resources more efficiently, and creating new business opportunities.’DEPLOYTOUR objectives:Develop and deploy the technical infrastructure of the Common Tourism European Dataspace, based on reusing existing frameworks and tools with a special focus on ensuring coordination and synchronization with the Simpl initiative.(WP2) Define a governance framework by developing the rules and roles of the different stakeholders involved in the governing of the future ETDS. (WP3) Develop pilots and use cases to ensure a European dimension, with a coverage of different tourism sub-sectors, and different modalities of tourism. These pilots will act as lighthouses that clearly show the tangible advantages of the ETDS and its impact on the European tourism sector.(WP4) Ensure the interoperability, transversality, complementarity and synergies with other data and tourism initiatives. (WP5) Implement a sound dissemination, communication and exploitation strategy (WP6) Tulokset The main outputs of DEPLOYTOUR will be focused on the implementation and delivery of a data space for tourism reflected in the activities (and deliveries) of the WPs. According to the call documents, outputs will be:§ Deployment of the Infrastructure for the Tourism Data Space. WP2, [D2.1, D2.2 & D2.3]§ Connections between relevant local and national data ecosystems and initiatives at EU level. WP5, [D5.1, D5.2]§ Establish connections with other sectoral data spaces. WP3 and WP5, [D3.2, D5.1]§ Guidance/training documents to involve stakeholders in sharing data. WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6, [D3.2, D4.1, D5.2, D6.1]§ Exploitation of available data for better interconnection, exchange of information and reuse. WP2, WP3, and WP4 [D2.2, D3.3, D4.2 and D4.3] § Once the data space is operational, regular updates on usage data, recommendations in incorporating newer data and troubleshooting. WP2 and WP4 [D2.3, D4.3]1. technical infrastructure of the Common Tourism European Dataspace, based on the reusing of existing frameworks and tools with a special focus on ensuring coordination and synchronization with the Simpl project.(WP2)2 interconnection and data usage with other sectorial data spaces based on all interoperability levels (Legal, organsational, semantic, and technical) and proper governance processes (WP2, together with WP3)3. Improvement in the availability, quality and interoperability of data in the tourism ecosystem and across sectors by creating a data catalogue (WP2 and WP4).4. governance framework by developing the rules and roles of the different stakeholders involved in the governing of the future ETDS. (WP3)5. rules for legal, semantic and technical interoperability between the use cases in this project, and with external dataspaces of related sectors.6. Defining the competencies and responsibilities of the DS Governance Authority of a future operative dataspace (in collaboration with the stakeholders of an EDIC of Tourism). (WP3)7. detailed onboarding procedure specially tailored to different stakeholders to help them to successfully adopt the ETDS. (WP2, WP3, WP4)8. pilots and use cases to ensure a European dimension, with a coverage of different tourism sub-sectors, and different modalities of tourism. These pilots will act as lighthouses that clearly show the tangible advantages of the ETDS and its impact on the European tourism sector.(WP4)9. ETDS in production, designing different onboarding strategies for the different stakeholders, and providing instruments to each of them based on the needs identified during the pilots. 9. Data Space supporting Services (training, mentoring, consulting) for the adoption and operationalization of the pilot data spaces, whereas monitoring and validating the success of these efforts…….. Provide guidance/training documents to involve stakeholders in sharing and accessing data in compliance with data legislation.10. Ensuring transversality, complementarity and synergies with other data initiatives. (WP5),11. Engaging and expanding the ecosystem’s community and ensuring the interconnection with European, national and local initiatives, providing representativeness in terms of geographical coverage and types of initiatives and stakeholders. (WP4, WP5)12. Interconnect and enhance synergies with other sectoral data spaces through the establishment of common connectors (based on SIMPL) for enabling information,knowledge exchange and cross-fertilization.Linked with WP2 Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Hanke tukee erityisesti Lapin älykkään erikoistumisen strategiaa. Hankkeessa on tavoitteena se, että Euroopan kattavasta matkailutiedosta pääsisivät hyötymään mahdollisimman monet ja lappilaiset yritykset etunenässä. Matkailu on Lapille tärkeä toimiala, ja tällä hetkellä matkailu tarvitsee yhä enemmän tietoa ja osaamista, jotta matkailun kasvua ja vastuullisuutta voitaisiin tukea.