Fostering digitalisation of European tourism SMEs Rahoittajat Sisältöön liittyvät linkit Siirry hankkeen omalle sivulle Lisätietoa Eija Raasakka Aikataulu 1.1.2022 -30.06.2024 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 163252 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Matkailu Osaamisryhmä Vastuulliset palvelut Rahoituslähteet COSME Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite The main objective is fostering skills and capacity and boosting the uptake of digitalisation and innovation, promoting resilient and competitive SMEs and spurring a faster transformation of the European tourism sector.The specific objectives are:- to help tourism SMEs understand their current state of transformation, offering a selfassessment tool to assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas of opportunity and provide recommendations on next steps to take in their digital transformation journey- to create and spread knowledge on new, innovative technologies and solutions in the area of digital and smart tourism, helping tourism SMEs realise the benefits derived from digitalisation and innovation through a knowledge open-sharing platform- to implement a transnational and cross-ecosystem support-intensive service scheme, structured in a three-pillars framework (Learning, Buidling and Testing and Implementing) to assist SMEs and leverage efforts and resources to underpin innovation, technology transfer and the uptake of digital technologies- to promote and support transnational cooperation and establish links between key stakeholders and players across sectors in Europe, fostering a network of tourism SMEs and startups, data and knowledge owners, technology and solution providers, financers, public and private decision makers and other influencers, to catalyse contributions for digital transformation and innovation in the tourism industryAs part of the third pillar (Test and implement), TOURBIT will financially support 62 tourism SMEs from 7 countries (BE, ES, FI, FR, IS, PT, SI). This pilar (WP3) concerns the implementation of digital innovation projects proposed by tourism SMEs in response to the ideas prioritised in the Call for Proposals (CfP) under the Digital Acceleration Programme for tourism SMEs. In particular, the Programme will call for tourism SMEs to propose an innovation strategy with a digital agenda for the development of an idea in line with the call priorities, elaborating on the technology solutions to be deployed, explaining the potential alliances, and identifying the resources needed. Tulokset – 7 countries and at least 450 tourism SMEs in the different project activities.- At least 62 SMEs (those financially supported by the project) and other -/+38 SMEs having received project technical support (self-assessment, training, co-creation, etc.) that can report improvements.- 30 activities organised (including transnational and crossborder activities) in support of tourism SMEs (includingtrainings/workshops/study trips etc.)- At least 10 cross-ecosystem and transnational partnerships established between tourism SMEs as a result of the project- More than 225 tourism SMEs (+/-30 per country) with increased digital literacy and knowledge on digital novelties for the tourism industry – More than 140 tourism SMEs at different stages of digitalisation (from low to high levels) trained in the use and application of technologies and in the tools, techniques and mindset needed to innovate- Number of start-ups scouted with digital solutions and technology concepts relevant for the tourism industry, interacting/connecting with tourism SMEs: More than 100 start-ups identified, 15 scouted and promoted- More than 200 agents/stakeholders networking across borders and sectors and within the ecosystem, co-creating ideas and solutions for the digitalisation of the tourism industry Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Hankkeessa tuotetaan suoraa hyötyä yrityksille, jotka jatkavat toimintansa kehittämistä hankkeen jälkeen.