From Research to Working Life in Tourism Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Malla Alatalo Aikataulu 1.12.2022 -30.11.2024 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 75925 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 17175 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Matkailu Osaamisryhmä Vastuulliset palvelut Rahoituslähteet Erasmus + 2021-2027 Hankkeen tila Käynnissä Osaamiskärjet Uusi luksus matkailun muuttuvissa toimintaympäristöissä Tavoite The From Research to Working life -project (ReWo) project aims at creating permanent methods and practices for developing education and research structures within educational institutions and in collaboration with international working life. The project will focus on developing the joint education and research structures of the participating educational institutions. Better collaboration between HE and the industry is the primary goal – not just in the tourism industry, but to develop approaches that can be applicable to other fields. Better collaboration between all the participants included in this process (HE, the students, and the tourism sector) will be beneficial to all: it will bring useful changes in the HE curricula, more suited for the needs of the industry, it will improve the students’ employability and empower them to use their knowledge and ideas for the improvement of their workplace, and inform the industry representatives about the benefits of implementing new knowledge and ideas into practice. Tulokset WP 1 ManagementWP 2 Analysis of best practices and developing innovative procedures/methods for the transfer of final study phase research projects into working lifeWP 3 Testing procedures for fast implementation of research results into working lifeWP 4 Transferring ‘Generation Z’ students and their knowledge into the working environmentWP5 Developing role/position of ‘Idea manager’ for tourism enterprises and DMO’s for applied research Tulosten hyödynnettävyys As part of curriculum.