InShape Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Benjamin Taylor Aikataulu 1.9.2023 -31.12.2026 Budjetti Lapin AMKin kokonaisbudjetti 439326 € YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet Koulutus Liikunta ja vapaa-aika Osaamisryhmä Vastuulliset palvelut Rahoituslähteet Horizon Europe Hankkeen tila Käynnissä Osaamiskärjet Vaikuttavat palvelut, toimintamallit ja älykkäät ympäristöt hyvinvointityössä Tavoite InShape project promotes enhanced interregional cooperation and sustainable connections between regional ecosystems, by building on the specific assets of EU regions. It aims to use the untapped potential ofinvestments in innovation where the public and private sectors, as well as research and business from different countries, can work together. In order to accelerate market uptake of research results and stimulation of innovation, it supports companies in scaling up their ideas in the EU single market and in taking advantage of opportunities available at global level. At the same time, it helps to better align investment pipelinesacross borders to create opportunities in new EU value-chains.We will be building upon existing regional excellences that have been working on regional level for SME’s though in a fragmented way. We will connect these individual building blocks from regional hubs to a European network of innovation hubs creating EU value chains for Sports&Active Healthy LifestyleThe focus of the project is to contribute to accelerating the commercialization and scaling up via interregional innovation investments with the potential to encourage the development of EU value chains. In order to create a stronger interregional connected ecosystem to support and accelerate these potential value chains we use a 2 steps approach with a strong focus on SME’s and a pragmatic bottom up, impact oriented approach:In the first phase of the project we will be using a proven innovation cycle and a ‘case bottom up based approach’, meaning that we will be starting to build the network of innovation hubs based on already identified public-pivate challenges and solutions (TRL level 6-7) based on regional excellences. 1.Excellences and potential value chains. By using this case based approach we can support directly value chains with high potential, while also learning in more detail about the SME’s demand side (specific support needs and gaps on data access/usage, digitalization, business support, funding) as well as on deepening and structuring the interregional support structures in all phases of the innovation cycle.2.In the second phase we will open up new challenges in the context of @work, @home, @public spaces, @school, @sport(tourism) in order to support new innovations based on these new challenges, thus creating new value chains. Based on these new challenges we will be forming the structures and governance for the eu network of innovations hubs that will be offering its services in continuity after the end of the project.With this 2 steps approach we can surely say that more than 70% of the grant will be allocated to companies, in particular startups and SMEs Besides the 2 steps approach linked to the regions smart specialization strategies ensures a ‘bottom-up’ approach to identifying the needs and strengths, capabilities, knowledge, and innovative solutions that are available at national, regional and local levels in the EU network of innovation hubs for sports & active healthy lifestyle.Lapland UAS has 439 000 euros budget and the grant is 70 %. The total budget is 9,5 MEUR. For more information, Ben Taylor, project manager ben.taylor(a)lapinamk.fiConsortium of the project:Sports and Technology, HollantiEuropean Platform of Sport Innovation, BrysselIMEC, HollantiInnoSportLab, HollantiLapin AMK, SuomiJyväskylän yliopisto, SuomiKajaanin AMK, SuomiLAB AMK, Lahti, SuomiLaDec Oy, SuomiMSE Cluster, UnkariSociedad de Proyectos, EspanjaSport Hub Valencia, EspanjaAgencia per La Competivitat de la Empresa, EspanjaCatalan sport cluster, EspanjaValencian yliopisto, EspanjaVinotion BV (yritys), EspanjaBlautic Designs (yritys), EspanjaOna-Labs (yritys), EspanjaCSE Simulation (yritys), SuomiComeback Oy (yritys), SuomiSeyo Solutions (yritys), UnkariPlan & care sports (yritys), Suomi Tulokset • WP 1: Project mgmt & Coordination (CST & Rene)Projektin hallinnointi.• WP 2: First stream interregional SME investment (LaDec & Ilkka)Innovaatioinvestointien suunnitelmallinen jalostaminen, dataan perustuva kehittäminen, demot ja validointi (tuki ja mittaukset), kaupallistaminen (innovaatio- ja yritysneuvontapalveluiden tarjoaminen), markkinavalmiusarvioinnit.• WP 3: Scale up new interregional SME investment cases (Indescat & Montse)Lippulaivayritysten yhteiskehittäminen, matching, jatkokehittämispolut, lisää yrityksiä mukaan?• WP 4: Build INSHAPE Data portal & services (SPDT Distro Digital)Tukipalvelut datalle ja digitalisointipalveluille, työpajat yrityksille, testatut palvelut palveluportaaliin ja liiketoimintamallin kehittäminen.• WP 5: Towards sustainable INSHAPE Ecosystem (CST & Rene)INSHAPE Innovation and Investment Hub ekosysteemipalvelujen kartoittaminen, WP2&3:een linkitetty palvelumatriisi: määritellään miten INSHAPE Innovation and Investment -keskukset tarjoavat palveluja alueille, arviointi, parhaat käytänteet, INSHAPE-hallintorakenne ja yhteistyö.• WP 6: Regional level comm & dissem (Epsi & Alberto ja Sebastiano)Viestintä- ja tulosten levittämissuunnitelma (EU/alueellinen taso), viestintä- ja esittelymateriaalit, kampanjat jne.Consortium of the project:Sports and Technology, Hollanti European Platform of Sport Innovation, Bryssel IMEC, Hollanti InnoSportLab, Hollanti Lapin AMK, Suomi Jyväskylän yliopisto, Suomi Kajaanin AMK, Suomi LAB AMK, Lahti, Suomi LaDec Oy, Suomi MSE Cluster, Unkari Sociedad de Proyectos, Espanja Sport Hub Valencia, Espanja Agencia per La Competivitat de la Empresa, Espanja Catalan sport cluster, Espanja Valencian yliopisto, Espanja Vinotion BV (yritys), Espanja Blautic Designs (yritys), Espanja Ona-Labs (yritys), Espanja CSE Simulation (yritys), Suomi Comeback Oy (yritys), Suomi Seyo Solutions (yritys), Unkari Plan & care sports (yritys), Suomi