Karelia ePro micro Lisätietoa Marjo Jussila Aikataulu 1.11.2018 -30.06.2019 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 14901.15 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 1490.11 € Koulutus Liiketalous, Tornio Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet ENI Karelia CBC 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite The Karelia ePro Micro project is planning to identify bottlenecks, barriers and obstacles for crossbordere-commerce cooperation and trade between Finland and Russian in the Karelia and NorthFinland regions, which has been identified by a variety of publicly available sources presentingstatistical information and results of research.In Finland, SME’s have the need to increase their revenues by finding new markets for trade. Ecommerce is one possible solutions for the Finnish SME’s to gain entry into new markets and attract international customers.By our assumptions Finnish companies need help in the technical aspects of eCommerce as well as inmarketing their products online to international customers. In addition, Finnish companies need helpin international logistics and service deliveries.Logical partners for Finnish companies are found in the neighbouring countries. The country that hasby far the biggest population and that traditionally has been the most important trade partner isRussia. Finnish products have good reputation and they are highly valued in Russia. The Karelia ePromicro –project focuses on enhancing the cross-border business environment of Finland and Russia.Special emphasis is on Northern parts of Finland and corresponding parts of the Russian federation.On the Russian side of the border unemployment is also a big issue. The Karelia ePro micro aims tofacilitate employment by increasing cross-border trade thus creating work possibilities for bothdomestic companies (e.g. logistics) as well as in the form of international sales. Tulokset The overall objectives of the Karelia ePro Micro project are: to increase cross-border e-commercebetween Finalnd and Russian.Our aim int his project is to accomplish required studies, including prefeasibility studies, surveys,literature review and the like – in order to develop a holistic and coherent view of e-commerce statusin eligible regions and prepare a solid ground for the planned regular project and justify relevantactivities, such as disseminating the know-how and engaging relevant stakeholders on both sides ofthe Finnish-Russian border.The specific objectives of the Karelia ePro Micro project are: to identify status quo, includingbottlenecks, barriers and obstacles of e-commerce trade between Finland and Russia in the Karelia andNorth Finland regions; to develop recommendations that will remove the bottlenecks, barriers andobstacles of e-commerce trade between Finland and Russia in the Karelia and North Finland regions;to start networking. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Tulosten avulla luodaan ”päähanke” perustuen tehtyyn kenttätutkimukseen ja saatuihin tuloksiin yrittäjien keskuudessa.