MyStory – along the Northern Lights Route Rahoittajat Lisätietoa Natalia Pulakka Aikataulu 1.2.2020 -30.09.2022 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 530623 € Organisaation oman rahoituksen osuus 54901 € Koulutus Liiketalous, Tornio Osaamisryhmä Digitaaliset ratkaisut Rahoituslähteet Interreg Nord 2014-2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite Hankkeen päätavoitteena on edistää Revontultentien varrella toimivien pienyritysten liiketoimintaa hyödyntämällä paikalliseen kulttuuriin liittyviä tarinoita sosiaalisesti ja kulttuurisesti kestävällä tavalla. Tavoitteena on myös luoda Revontultentien yhteistä tarinaa ja brändiä laatimalla reitille visio ja askelmerkit tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Projekti tukee uusien tarina- ja paikkaperusteisten digitaalisten liiketoimintakonseptien kehittämistä, osaamisen kehittämistä ja rajat ylittävää yhteistyötä uusilla, innovatiivisilla digitaalisilla ratkaisuilla. Revontultentie kulkee Tornionjokivartta pitkin aina Pohjois-Norjaan saakka yhdistäen kolme maata; Suomen, Ruotsin ja Norjan. Hanketta toteuttavat kumppanit Suomesta ja Norjasta. Hankekumppanit edustavat sekä yksityisiä että julkisia organisaatioita, joista useimmilla on suora yhteys alueen yrittäjiin sekä kuntien matkailutoimijoihin.My Story hanke pohjaa kesäkuussa 2019 päättyneeseen Our Stories -projektiin (Interreg Pohjoinen), joka osoitti kulttuurin olevan hyvin samanlainen mm. yhteinen maisema, historia, pohjoinen elämäntyyli sekä identiteetti kuvastavat raja-aluetta. Myös haasteet yhdistävät: ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa kaksi kertaa nopeammin arktisilla alueilla verrattuna muihin alueisiin. Tämä tarkoittaa, että kestävää ja vastuullista matkailutoimintaa on kehitettävä.Our Stories projektissa tehtyjen kyselytulosten perusteella yrittäjät ja muut matkailun sidosryhmät ovat kiinnostuneita hyödyntämään digitaalista tarinankerrontaa sekä työskentelemään yli rajojen yhteisen tavoitteen pohjalta.Tavoitteena on 1) tukea yrityksiä ja muita matkailualan sidosryhmiä oman liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä (digitaalisen tarinankerronnan tukiohjelma); 2) testata ja kehittää uudenlaisia digitaalisia sisältöjä yrityksille ja alueelle (pilotit); 3) viestiä ja jakaa tutkittua tietoa parhaista käytännöistä ja konkreettisista ratkaisuista (mm. digitaaliset ratkaisut/työkalut); 4) levittää kerättyjä ja tuotettuja tarinoita eri alustoilla (mobiilisovellus) ja 5) Revontultentien yhteisen tarinan ja brändin rakentaminen (visiotyö). Tulokset Supporting tourism companies The project aimed to support tourism companies and other stakeholders in developing their business through digital storytelling. To achieve this goal, the project organized the Business Support Program, which allowed participants to get support and develop their skills in digital storytelling and marketing through various activities and events (listed below). The Program also provided an opportunity for strengthening the cross-border cooperation and growing network between companies. Instead of three originally planned workshops the project organized four. Nine webinars were organized as part of the Support Program. The webinars are recorded and published on the project’s Youtube channel NZ48 Organized events and activities within the Support Program: – four workshops – eight webinars – one networking online event – series of cross-border cafe (online meetings) – expert consultations (written feedback, discussions in group, individual consultations etc.) – lecture about animation. Six company stories are published on Our Stories website and can be found under the category Portrait Other companies preferred to disseminate their stories through their own marketing channels (for ex. website). The covid significantly affected companies’ operations and financial stability, especially for small-scale tourism companies. Companies did not have enough resources, time and even motivation to stay active in the Program. That’s why the amount of developed stories, especially digitized stories, is not so big. However, entrepreneurs can continue to develop their stories produced during the project, in the future. The project materials as well as the final publication (digital guidelines) are available for companies use. Vision work The project implemented the vision work and produced the Northern Lights Route vision 2030 in three languages (Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian). The results are published on Lapland UAS’s Issuu account. During the vision work the regional stakeholders had an opportunity to gather together for discussion and contribute to the region’s development. The work done within this activity has already benefited stakeholders. Thus, the Council of Torney valley took into account the vision for developing its own strategy and implementing RDI activities. The absence of a Swedish partner caused challenges to reach stakeholders from the Swedish side. With the help of the council of Torne Valley the project succeeded in getting at least some Swedish participants. Another challenge was a language issue. The regional stakeholders preferred to communicate and participate in focus group discussion in their own language instead of english, as was planned originally. This required extra resources (time and personnel) from the project. Obviously the covid affected the implementation of this activity as well, but in this case the effect was rather positive. For example, focus group discussions were planned to be carried out physically, but due to the pandemic, these discussions were held online. Because of this, we got more participants and they did not need to travel. Digital pilots During the project period 11 digital pilots were produced. Eight of them were selected to be published in digital guidelines. – Eye-tracking technology – 360 views (two pilots) – Mobile application (incl. 360 views, gamification elements, 3D – Virtual showroom – A serie of friendship videos (published also on Youtube channel) – A photo booklet (a guide on how to use photography in digital marketing) – Emotional instagram story Eye-tracking, 360 views, mobile App and virtual showroom demonstrate digital solutions, which can be utilized for creating digital stories and developing digital marketing as well. The videos, photo booklet and Instagram posts work as examples of utilizing storytelling content in marketing in order to create appealing content and promote travel destinations of the region. The pilots were produced by Lapland UAS’s tourism students. Other three pilots were presented at the project’s events (webinar in June 2020 and workshop in October 2021) and published on the project’s Youtube channel. The first pilot was produced in spring 2020. Due to the pandemic and Lapland UAS’s staff changes the production process was postponed to a later period. Additionally, the benchmarking trip to the research center in Helsinki was not possible to organize. Due to the delay in the construction of the lab planned for Lapland UAS’s Tornio campus, the creation of pilots based on AR/VR technologies was limited. Digital guidelines Based on experience and knowledge gained during the project implementation, the team designed and created the digital guidelines ‘Business storytelling from A to Z: best practices on how to use storytelling as a marketing tool’ The guidelines include visualized instructions and information on how to write a business story, digitize it and utilize it in digital marketing. The guidelines also give examples of different tools, including digital solutions, which can be used to create interactive content for promoting tourism destinations. Basically, the guidelines can be used by anyone who is interested in digital storytelling and would like to develop business with the use of storytelling as a marketing tool. Since some activities of the project (Support Program, production of digital pilots) were postponed, there was less time for production of the guidelines. Collection and analyzing materials for the guidelines and its production were challenging and required extra personnel resources. Connecting the story content The Our Stories website was integrated into the Council of Torne valley website in order to improve the continuity of the project and the visibility of companies and their stories. The original plan was to integrate the website to Visit Sea Lapland’s mobile App. The plan had to be changed, because the Visit Sea Lapland did not receive resources to continue developing and maintaining the App. Being a public, cross-border institution, the Council of Torne valley has both an inherent incentive to promote all project participants and the resources to maintain and further develop the website. The decision on transferring the website to the Council was approved by the Interreg-secretary. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Esim. meri-lapin matkailu ja toivon mukaan muut visit organisaatiot norjasta ja ruotsista ovat mukana kehittämässä revontultentien mobiiliäppiä, tästä on jo sovittu meri-lapin matkailun kanssa.