ROSEWOOD 4.0 Lisätietoa Merja Laajanen Aikataulu 1.1.2020 -30.06.2022 Kokonaisbudjetti EU-rahoituksen osuus 157925 € Koulutus Metsätalous Osaamisryhmä Tulevaisuuden biotalous Rahoituslähteet Horizon 2020 Hankkeen tila Päättynyt Tavoite ROSEWOOD4.0 is designed to enhance and enlarge the well-established ROSEWOOD network connecting actors of the wood mobilisation value-chain starting from forest owners to relevant regional authorities up to forestry and wood-based industries, to address and find answers for the main challenges in the forestry domain, especially the sustainable wood mobilisation. This new proposed action is a) especially reinforcing and widening the links with the East-European regions by creating a new Eastern Hub and inviting new countries, and b) putting a new focus on digital solutions, tools, and corresponding knowledge transfer actions boosting the sustainability of wood mobilisation solutions in Europe. ROSEWOOD4.0 is based on its predecessor ROSEWOOD (grant no. 776754, Feb. 2018- Jan. 2020) and thus can build on an established European multi-actor network. ROSEWOOD4.0 takes the decisive next step for the development of the network in terms of consolidation of the Wood Mobilisation Hubs and development of efficient and targeted knowledge exchange and transfer services dedicated to forestry practitioners and stakeholders in the regions. In fact, the thematic RUR-15 call will allow the ROSEWOOD network to strengthen and widen its partnership and achieve a much higher impact beyond the initial CSA: sets of tangible, adapted communication and dissemination packages aligned with AKIS will be developed and spread extensively through established national and regional communication channels, not least through the support of the European networks EFI and InnovaWood. Support to the adoption and implementation of best practices will be delivered in the form of hands-on coaching methods and various training materials, including e-Learning contents and tools freely accessible online. Tulosten hyödynnettävyys Verkosto ja hyvät käytänteet jaetaan alueiden välillä ja ne jäävät elämään hankkeen jälkeen. Hankkeessa luodut innovaatiot muuttuvat liiketoiminnaksi.