During academic year Mon – Fri 7.30 – 15.00
Location in Google MapsKauppakatu 58 Tornio
Oho! Tämä YouTube-upotus ei näy, koska et ole hyväksynyt markkinointievästeitä. Hyväksy markkinointievästeet.
Our students can use the learning environments and libraries in our facilities even when the doors are locked/closed. The access control token is a mobile application that is valid during the study period (for students registered as present). Application forms will be processed and approved within approximately one week from the date of application.
Students apply for a personal access control badge or access control card via Tuudo (People and Services | Access Control Badge). The student agrees to comply with the rules of use provided and is responsible for the secure storage of the badge/card.
Contact information, opening hours and luch menu: ravintola Pikantti/Lappia
Service Advisor Katri Helena Eskola serves both Kemi and Tornio campuses.
Contact preferably by phone or e-mail: kampuspalvelut.kemitornio@lapinamk.fi Phone number during office hours 040 772 2937
You can report non-urgent fault notifications and cleaning notifications/needs directly to Property Maintenance and Cleaning by using the service request form. For urgent fault reports, please call.
Property and outdoor maintenance: Lassila & Tikanoja fault and service requests 24/7 010 636 7000 Maintenance requests
Cleaning: SOL palvelut Oy Service Manager Marika Värtö 040 482 4913, marika.varto@sol.fi
Security: e-mail: myynti@suomenturvamiehet.com Phone 045 128 3900
Map of the area Kauppakatu 58, Tornio
The parking areas of Lapland UAS are marked with P-signs and parking is free of charge in the guest spaces. The parking area has guest spaces and reservable heated parking spaces. The parking area is opposite the main entrance A and the access roads are on both the Commercial Street and Central Street sides. Accessible parking is allowed near main door A and is marked in the parking area with the international ISA wheelchair symbol.
Note! Parking is prohibited on the emergency road around the building, on grassed areas and in a way that is obstructive to others.
Rental of a heating pitch
A parking permit for the heating pitch can be rented from the service adviser. The parking permit entitles you to park in the on-campus temperature parking lot during the winter season from November 1 to April 15 and must be displayed near the windshield. It is possible to park in the heating pitches outside the heating season (no right to use electricity). Daytime rental of a heating pitch is not possible.
The charging station for electric cars
There is no electric car charging point at Kauppakatu 58. Electric cars cannot be charged at the heating points.
Bicycle racks with frame locks are available near the entrances. Storage of bicycles/carts indoors is prohibited.
Batteries for electric bikes/scooters, etc. must not be charged on campus or with electricity. Charging batteries on the premises poses a safety risk. Batteries may be stored on the premises, but not charged.
Vuokraamme tilojamme myös erilaisiin tapahtumiin ja kokouksiin Kemissä, Torniossa ja Rovaniemellä. Ammattikorkeakoulun omat toiminnot ovat etusijalla tilojen ja salien käytössä. Tilaisuuden tarjoilut asiakas varaa suoraan ravintolapalveluilta.
Tiloja koskeviin tiedusteluihin vastaavat kiinteistöpalveluiden palveluneuvojat.