29th International Meeting on Dialogical Treatment of Psychosis 27. – 31.8.2025 14:00 – 12:00 Event Event time 27.8.2025 14:00 — 31.8.2025 12:00 Registration is now open! Registration Location Lapland University of Applied Sciences Jokiväylä 11, 96300 Rovaniemi, Finland Files Programme 27th-31st of Aug Ohjelma pe 29.8. – Programme Fri 29th of Aug Privacy notice Share on social media Share on Facebook Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share on LinkedIn Share on LinkedIn (opens in a new window) Share on X Share on X (opens in a new window) Contact Information email opendialog@lapinamk.fi 40 years of experience in Open Dialogue in Western Lapland We are pleased to invite you to Finnish Lapland to discuss about the dialogical approach to the treatment of psychosis. In the meeting we will also discuss the current state and future of Open Dialogue and Dialogical Practice in Lapland and around the world. The meeting will consist of several dialogical workshops and invited speakers. Practitioners, researchers and students, service users, people with lived experiences, relatives, peers, and all others interested are welcome. The language of the meeting will be English, with the exception of the open day partly in Finnish, when simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided. Conference Information Time and place Open Close The meeting will take place Wed-Sun 27th-31st of August in Rovaniemi, Finland. There will be an Open Day on Friday 29th of Aug for those who wish to attend for the day only. The meeting will be hosted by Lapland University of Applied Sciences. Meeting venue: Jokiväylä 11, 96300 Rovaniemi Registration and registration fees Open Close Registration is open to 15th of June 2025. Please register via this link: registration. Registration options and fees: Participation 27th-31st of Aug at Rovaniemi* 458 € (includes VAT 25,5%) Registration open from February to 15th of June. One day participation Fri 29th of Aug at Rovaniemi** 37,65 € (includes VAT 25,5%) Registration open from February to 8th of Aug. One day participation Fri 29th of Aug online*** Free of charge Registration open from February to 8th of Aug. *Participation on 27th-31st of Aug at Rovaniemi includes: Participation to all sessions Lunches on Thu-Sat Coffee/tea on Wed-Sun Get Together Cocktail event on Wed 27th of Aug Festive Dinner on Sat 30th of Aug **Participation on Fri 29th at Rovaniemi includes: Participation to the seminar Lunch Coffee/tea ***Online participation on Fri 29th includes: Participation to the seminar via online connection Simultaneous interpretation to English (if needed) Payment options: Participants who pay for themselves will pay by card at the venue When the payer is is employer or company the payment can be done by card at the venue or by invoice Programme 27th-31st of Aug Open Close Wednesday, 27th August 14.00 – 15.00 Registration 15.00 – 18.00 Welcome and planning the workshops for the days Break 19.00 Get together event Venue: Lappia Hall, Jorma Eton tie 8 A Thursday, 28th August 09.00 – 10.30 Plenary 10.30 – 11.00 Break 11.00 – 12.30 Workshops and discussions 12.30 – 13.45 Lunch 13.45 – 15.00 Workshops and discussions 15.00 – 15.30 Break 15.30 – 17.00 Workshops and discussions Break 18.30 Dialogue with nature at Ounasvaara Hill Event in nature – have good walking shoes. Location of the starting point announced later. Friday, 29th August: Open Day – 40 years of experience in Open Dialogue in Western Lapland Open day – Separate program 09.00 – 16.30 Saturday, 30th August 09.00 – 10.30 Plenary 10.30 – 11.00 Break 11.00 – 12.30 Workshops and discussions 12.30 – 13.45 Lunch 13.45 – 15.00 Workshops and discussions 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break 15.30 – 17.00 Workshops and discussions Break 19.00 – Festive dinner & party Venue: Lappia Hall, Jorma Eton tie 8 A Sunday 1st September 10.00 – 12.00 Summary, goodbyes and thank you Changes to the programme are possible. Please find downloadable version of the programme upper. Programme Friday 29th of Aug Open Close AVOIN PÄIVÄ / OPEN DAY 29.8.2025 Avoin dialogi mielenterveyspalveluiden kehittämisen innoittajana / Open Dialogue as inspiration for the development of mental health services Paikka /Venue: Jokiväylä 11, 96300 Rovaniemi, Finland 9.00 Avoimen päivän avaus / Opening of the day rehtori/rector Riitta Rissanen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences 9.30 Avoimen dialogin hoitomallin merkitys, nykytila ja tulevaisuuden näkymät / The importance, current status and future prospects of the Open Dialogue model of care Lapin hyvinvointialue Lapha:n työntekijät ja kokemusasiantuntijat / Practitioners and expert by experience of the Lapland Welfare Services 10.30 Tauko/Break 11.00 Tutkimus avoimen dialogin kehittämisen osana / Research as part of the development of open dialogue Jaakko Seikkula, PsT, emeritusprofessori ja Tomi Bergström, PsT, dosentti 12.00 Lounas / Lunch 13 Avoin dialogi mielenterveyspalvelujen kehittämisen innoittajana maailmalla / Open Dialogue as inspiration for the development of mental health services worldwide UK: Yasmin Ishaq, Charmaine Harris, Russell Razzaque; USA: Vermont team 14.00 Tauko/Break – Kahvi/Coffee, Tee/Tea 14.30 Italia: Raffaella Poccobello; Japani: Tamaki Saito; Belgia: Dag van Wetter 15.30 Loppureflektiot: Avoimen dialogin hoitomallin tulevaisuus Lapissa / Final reflections: The future of the Open Dialogue model of care in Lapland Lapin hyvinvointialueen edustajat / Representatives of the Lapland Welfare Services 16.00 Yleisön kommentit ja kysymykset / Comments and questions from the audience 16.30 Päivän päätös / Closing the day Muutokset ohjelmaan mahdollisia. / Changes to the programme are possible. Tietoa avoimesta päivästä / Open Day information: Avoin päivä on seurattavissa ilmaisena webinaarina, verkko-osoite ilmoitetaan myöhemmin. / The Open Day will be available as a free webinar, the web address will be announced later Osallistuminen paikan päällä Rovaniemellä 37,65 € (sis. alv 25,5%) / Open Day participation at Rovaniemi, fee €37.65 (incl. VAT 25.5%). Lounas ja kahvi/tee sisältyvät hintaan. Lunch and coffee/tea are included. Simultaanitulkkaus suomi-englanti-suomi. / Simultaneous interpretation English-Finnish-English Ilmoittautuminen sivun yläosassa olevan ilmoittautumislinkin kautta / Registration via registration link above. Getting there Open Close BY PLANE There are plenty of direct flight connections to Rovaniemi. Finnair operates direct flights daily between Rovaniemi and Helsinki Airport all year round. Finnair operates also between Helsinki and Kemi-Tornio Airport. Bus/car journey to Rovaniemi from Kemi-Tornio takes approximately one and a half hour. Lufthansa flies to Oulu Airport all year round from Munich Airport. Flights are operated on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Oulu is approximately 2,5 hours away from Rovaniemi by car. There are several ways to reach Rovaniemi easily: by bus, train or rental car. Norwegian operates direct flights between Rovaniemi and Helsinki all year round. Ryanair flies to Rovaniemi all year round from Milan Bergamo. Starting in April 2025, flights will be operated on Fridays and Sundays. BY TRAIN Finnish railway transport VR It is possible to fly to Helsinki and take the train to Rovaniemi. The journey takes about 8-9 hours by day and about 12 hours by night train. BY BUS Some bus companies who operate to Rovaniemi: Onnibus Matkahuolto PUBLIC BUS SERVICES Public bus service operates between the city center and Lapland UAS. Please find the schedules from Rovaniemi’s public transport website. There you can also find information on bus tickets, their prices, etc. You can purchase single tickets on the bus in cash or with the most common debit/credit cards or mobile payment apps. Accommodation and activities Open Close ACCOMMODATION There are plenty of hotels and Airbnb accommodations in the city centre of Rovaniemi. We are happy to provide discount codes to some of the hotels for the duration of the event (27th-31st of Aug): Arctic City Hotel -10% with code dialogue. You can book accommodation directly on the hotel website according to their booking status. Scandic Pohjanhovi. Discount code CCON. You can book accommodation directly on the hotel website according to their booking status. Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Rovaniemi. Discount code: BDIALOGUE. There are 20 rooms available for discount price. You can book accommodation directly on the hotel website. Please find more information about accommodation: Rovaniemi Tourist Information RESTAURANTS Rovaniemi is full of Finnish and international restaurants. Please find more information about restaurants: Rovaniemi Tourist Information ACTIVITIES Rovaniemi is best known as the city of Santa Claus and reindeers. You can meet the Santa and reindeers at Santa Claus Village and Santapark. In August it is great to experience Finnish nature in autumn colors. Please find more information about activities: Rovaniemi Tourist Information Temporary Presence – From Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation Collection https://www.visitrovaniemi.fi/event/temporary-presence-from-jenny-and-antti-wihuri-foundation-collection/ Organized by Rovaniemen taidemuseo Location Kulttuuritalo Korundi, Lapinkävijäntie 4, 96100 Rovaniemi The exhibition Temporary Presence celebrates the 30-year residency collaboration between the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation and the University of Lapland. Arctic Opposites https://www.visitrovaniemi.fi/event/arctic-opposites/ Organized by Arktikum – Science Centre and Museum Location Pohjoisranta 4, 96200 Rovaniemi The renewed permanent exhibition Arctic Opposites at the Arktikum science centre opens 6th December 2024. Contents, exhibition technologies and the visual appearance are updated in the science exhibition renewal. Northern Ways https://www.visitrovaniemi.fi/event/northern-ways/ Organized by Arktikum – Science Centre and Museum Location Arktikum, Pohjoisranta 4, 96200 Rovaniemi Finland’s northernmost and largest province, Lapland has been home to permanent settlements and a broad network of northern peoples for thousands of years. Lapland has always attracted visitors, each of whom has left their mark there in one way or another. The Regional Museum of Lapland includes exhibitions that illustrate the history of Lapland, its cultures, nature, and other contemporary themes. Sápmi Triennial https://www.visitrovaniemi.fi/event/sapmi-triennial/ Organized by Rovaniemen taidemuseo Location Lapinkävijäntie 4, 96100 Rovaniemi The first-ever Sápmi Triennial presents a spectacular array of Sámi contemporary art and duodji, traditional Sámi handicrafts. The exhibition showcases the abundance and vitality of Sámi cultural heritage. The works highlight themes which are deeply rooted in tradition and identity, as well as the challenges of contemporary life. Included in Sápmi Triennial are both rising stars as well as artists with lengthy careers. The works are engaged in a conversation between different countries and generations, and displays what is happening right now in Sámi contemporary art. Organising committee Open Close The organising committee consists of Jaakko Seikkula, Paula Yliniemi, Mia Kurtti and Kari Valtanen. If you have any questions about the event, please contact us by email: opendialog@lapinamk.fi. Terms and conditions Open Close The registration to the meeting is binding. If the registered person fails to show up the registration fee will be charged after the event. Participation can be cancelled free of charge only in the case of illness certified by a doctor. The meeting will take place only if there are enough participants. We reserve the right to make changes to the meeting. As before, we are sure that the meeting will once again be inspiring and rewarding. We look forward to seeing you in Rovaniemi in August 2025! Upcoming events 3.4.2025 13:00 Cooperation Bizarre Business Fail Fast Event