Publisher: Lapland University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Jokiväylä 11, 96300 Rovaniemi, Finland
ISSN: 2954-145XPublications are licensed under CC BY 4.0
The Northern Factors Series
We let information flow because together we are more.
On this blog we publish articles from our experts of various fields. Articles concern Lapland and the Arctic as our environment of success and prosperity and – of course – our part in it.
All the articles are reviewed by the editorial board before publishing.
Lapland UAS Blog
Santeri Valkama
Santeri Valkama is a Specialist in 3D-modeling and 2D-graphics Frostbit software laboratory in Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
AUTHORS: Alatalo, Malla, MA, Specialist, Project Manager, Northern Well-being and Services, Lapland University of Applied Sciences; Laitinen-Tolonen, Aulikki,…
Authors: Anzelika Krastina, MEd., MBA, senior lecturer, Lapland UAS & Eeva Helameri, MA, specialist, Lapland UAS
Angeria Mari, Senior Lecturer & Kemi Jenni, Specialist, Responsibility in Business and Services Expertise Group in Lapland UAS
Authors: Sanna Tyni, Ph.D., Principal lecturer, New Industry Expertise Group, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Marika Tuomela-Pyykkönen,…