Applying for degree programmes

Created 24.10.2024
Last Updated: 3.3.2025

Bachelor’s degree programmes

Study in an international environment in Lapland! Lapland University of Applied Sciences has 5 international degree programmes leading to a Bachelor’s degree. The language of teaching is English. Studies take 3.5 – 4 years to complete. They consist of basic, professional and elective studies, practical training and a Bachelor’s thesis.

Online applications for the programmes will be submitted through the national -service in Finland. You will find Lapland UAS from -service by the name “Lapland University of Applied Sciences”. -service includes also all the information about admission criteria and entrance exams.

Apply now!

Direct application period for Bachelor’s programmes is open from 1 Feb to 6 Apr 2025

to the following Bachelor’s programmes below. You find here the direct links to -service where the applying takes place:

You find more information about the Bachelor’s programmes also from Lapland UAS’ page: Bachelor’s degree programmes.

Direct application period for Master’s programme is open from 17 March to 23 March 2025

Lapland UAS Master of Business Administration, Digital Business Management -programme has a separate (direct) application 17 to 23 March 2025. Start your studies in autumn 2025 and apply now!

Online applications for the programme will be submitted through the in Finland. You will find Lapland UAS from Studyinfo by the name “Lapland University of Applied Sciences”

A Master’s degree is a good way to expand professional proficiency of those who already have a Bachelor’s degree and have acquired at least 2 years of working experience. Studies aiming at a Master’s degree take about 1.5 – 2 years and the scope of the studies is 90 credits. 

The entrance examination

The entrance examination information for all the programmes is published in Please read carefully the entrance exam instructions. 

Studies start

The academic year begins in September 2025. The start date of the studies depends on the education.

From website > Guide for new students you can find useful information to start your studies in Lapland UAS: Link to For new students -pages.

  • Transfer Students who wish to apply for a transfer must have the right to study in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences and they should be progressing in their studies according to their study plan.Students can apply for a transfer to Lapland University of Applied Sciences in order to obtain the same/a similar qualification within the same degree programme.Apply online 1.-15.5. or 1.-15.11. in studyinfo.
    • you can apply if you have min 20 credit/ semester or 45 credit/ year
    • if you apply from english programme in to finnish programme you must have completed max 50% of studies in english.
    • when you accept a transfer student place you will lose you previous place of study
    • you tuition fee is determined according to the previous place of studies

More info:

A student who has completed studies via an open university of applied sciences and meets the following criteria may apply and be accepted as a Lapland UAS student. Note, that the number of study places are limited:

1. When applying to a Bachelor’s degree programme the student has completed  at least 60 credits  in an open university of applied sciences.

2. When applying to a Master’s degree programme of 90 credits the student has completed  25 credits in an open university of applied sciences.

3. When applying to a Master’s degree programme of 60 credits the student has completed  20 credits in an open university of applied sciences.

The applicant must have an applicable Bachelor’s degree or other applicable higher education degree as well as two years’ job experience after completing the degree in question.
If the student has completed a college-level or higher-level vocational degree programme before taking the Bachelor’s degree, the required job experience may have been acquired during the period between the degrees

4. When applying the student has completed  the required credits which has been confirmed on applicant´s  Individual Study Plan (ISP). Please contact the Study Counsellor

The studies must have been field-specific studies; studies completed at all universities of applied sciences are acceptable.

Selection is based on field-specific principles; selection is based on an interview, completed studies and completed credits.

The student must have a realistic possibility to complete the studies during the right-to-study period (progress in studies, readiness to study, languages, mathematics) and the applicant may be required to pass a programme-specific applicability test before selection.

It takes 1-3 weeks to process your application.


Application instructions

You can apply via website You can find us when you type in the search field of Lapland University of Applied Sciences and choose the education which you are applying, as well as after the search in a Open UAS Path Studies – Lapland University of Applied Sciences.

Apply online to autumn semester 1.5. – 30.11. and to spring semester 1.12. – 30.4.