Current news in internationalisation

Created 29.11.2024
Last Updated: 29.11.2024
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On this page you will find current news from the Internationalisation Services and information about upcoming and past events.

Current news

My Global Diary Ambassador-haku alkaa joulukuun puolivälissä! Linkki hakulomakkeeseen tulee tälle sivulle! Voit tutustua Lapin AMK:n My Global Diary Ambassador-sivuun Instagramissa!

Upcoming events

Past events

The last Lapland UAS Internationalisation Services International Days were organized on October 29-30, 2024. You can view the recordings from the event below!

Student stories
During our Student Stories session our international students shared about their home universities and experiences. View the recording by clicking on the title of the presentation below.

Story 1: Paola Sanchez Valdez – Studying in Mexico (Recording) 
Story 2: Dimitrios Kalamotis and Evgenia Sarimpalidou – International Hellenic University in Greece (Recording)
Story 3: Tobias Harastko – Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences, Germany (Recording) 

Discussion: These are the 5 things I learned abroad
What are the 5 things you learned when going abroad? This is the question we will asked our 3 panelists in our afternoon discussion. The session starred our alumni Eija-Sinikka Juho who works as the community manager of Rajalla På Gränsen shopping center in Tornio, Anzelika Krastinasenior lecturer of Business Administration at Lapland UAS, and Emiliia ZemskovaMy Global Diary Ambassador and Bachelor of Engineering student. Each of them shared their insights into what it meant for them to go abroad and what lessons they learned either the easy way or the hard way. View the recording by clicking on the title of the discussion below.

Recording: Discussion: These are the 5 things I learned abroad

Introductions of the partner universities (Rovaniemi: B330 / Kemi: Auditorium)
Europe calling! See below what our partner universities from around Europe have to offer our Lapland UAS students. View the recording by clicking on the title of the presentation below.

Recording not yet available: Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany by Nadine Kappl.
Recording not yet vailable: FH Technikum Wien, Austria by Matteo Zarantonello.
Recording not yet available: UIT – The Arctic University of Norway by Daryna Ivantsova.