As a Lapland UAS student, you have the opportunity to complete a part of your studies abroad, mainly at Lapland UAS partner universities. The minimum duration of a long-term exchange is 2 months, but the exchange period lasts usually one semester (the semester time of the exchange destination) or even the whole academic year.
Erasmus+, Bilateral & Magellan:
Main application period: 1.2.-1.3. (For autumn and spring semester exchanges) Additional application period: 1.9.-1.10. (For remaining places in the next spring semester)
North2North (N2N):
Application period: 1.1.-15.2. (For autumn and spring semester exchanges)
The planning of the exchange period is good to start well in advance, at least 1 year prior the implementation of the exchange.
General eligibility
All degree students of Lapland UAS can apply for the exchange, if the student:
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are determined on the basis of the exchange destination and the exchange programme.
Lapland UAS has exchange destinations around the world, which you can browse through the SoleMOVE system.
SoleMOVE guide for finding exchange items and feedback.
Please note that some of the exchange destinations are degree programme specific, meaning that only students from a certain degree programme can be selected to them. On the other hand, some destinations are based on general exchange agreements, i.e. they are open to all Lapland UAS degree students if there are suitable studies available for the student in the destination’s exchange course offer. The number of students to be sent to exchange destinations depends on the agreement made with the partner university.
Exchange programs
North2North (N2N)
Exchange destinations in Canada, Alaska (USA), Nordic countries and few destinations in other European countries as well.
Bilateral exchanges
Freemover exchanges
International Business student!
International Business (IB) -program has two different Double Degree programmes, where students can apply to. Double Degree Programme gives a degree from Lapland UAS and also from the partner university.
In University of Turiba, which is located in Latvia, students study their third year. During one year in University of Turiba, students will have a possibility to study variety of business related courses, such as Psychological Aspects of Business, Personnel Management, Consumers Behaviour in Market and in addition to do a practical training in the company to gain real life practice experience all together worth 60 ECTS. After the study abroad year student returns to Lapland UAS and studies one semester which includes courses and thesis. Students can apply Erasmus+ grant and Lapland UAS travel grant for the mobility period. Check the grant chart here. University of Turiba and Lapland UAS’ Internationalisation Services will help with the accommodation and other practical matters.
More information: Tarja Tammia +358 40 721 3994
Lapland UAS has a Double Degree Programme agreement with Aachen University of Applied Sciences, which is located in Germany. Approved students study their third year in Aachen UAS. During one year in Aachen UAS students will have a wide choice of specialization studies all together 60 ECTS. Depending on your own interests you will have a possibility to specialize in Marketing, Project Management, International Financing or choose any other options from a very wide list of global business related courses. In addition students will learn about the German Business and markets as the studies are closely linked with the industry. Students can apply Erasmus+ grant and Lapland UAS travel grant for the mobility period. Check the grant chart here. Aachen UAS’ and Lapland UAS’ Internationalisation Services will help with the accommodation and other practical matters.
Mechanical Engineering student!
Lapland UAS’ and Fachhochschule Technikum Wien engineering students have a possibility to Double Degree Programme. Five students from both universities can apply to study one year (third year) in a partner university. Students will study in total 60 ECTS. Students can apply Erasmus+ grant and Lapland UAS travel grant for the mobility period.
More information: Ari Pikkarainen +358 50 310 9437
Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
The amount of the grant and the award criteria are determined by the exchange destination and the exchange programme according to the table below.
** If you do not receive funding through N2N -program, you can apply Lapland UAS study grant.
I) Grant award criteria and payment policy:
II) Lapland UAS travel grant
Amount of travel grant in 2025:
Additional support for green travel
You can be granted an additional green travel support of 50 € per exchange, if you travel to the exchange destination according to the Erasmus+ programme criteria for green travel (see the criteria in the Erasmus+ grant section).
*Travel grant for Erasmus+ exchange
The travel grant for an Erasmus+ exchange consists of an Erasmus+ travel grant and a possible share of the Lapland UAS travel grant as follows:
III) Lapland UAS Study and Training Exchange Grant
IV) Erasmus+ grant
The Erasmus+ grant consists of individual support and travel support (as of 1 August 2024, academic year 2024-2025). NOTE! In the summer 2024, a grant will still be awarded according to the criteria for the academic year 2023-2024.
In addition, a student can apply for the Erasmus+ additional support, if the conditions for receiving support are met.
The amount of Erasmus+ individual support is determined by the country of destination. The countries are divided into two groups.
Group 1:
Group 2:
The individual grant is a daily grant and is granted for the entire exchange period according to the duration of the exchange, as well as for two additional travel days.
80% of the grant is paid before the exchange and the rest after the exchange based on the actual duration of the exchange.
The Erasmus+ travel support is determined by the distance between the city where the home university is located and the city where the exchange destination is located (one-way distance in kilometres). The distance is calculated using the Distance Calculator of the Erasmus+ programme.
Amount of the travel support is determined according to the table below:
Erasmus+ Additional Grants
Students going for an Erasmus+ exchange can apply additional support, if they meet the eligibility criteria of the those grants.
Green Travel Support (=supplemented travel grant amount) is possible to apply, if you travel to your exchange destination by using environmentally friendly means of transportation, which are buss, train, car-pooling and bike. At least half of the return trip must be traveled using above mentioned transportation. More information on criteria of the grant can be found in the form Declaration of Green Travel Support.
You can read tips how to make your exchange period greener from Finnish National Agency for Education web page How can we make higher education exchanges greener? | Finnish National Agency for Education (
Fewer Opportunities Topup you can apply, if you belong to one of the groups mentioned below. More information criteria and amount of the grant can be found at the form Declaration of Fewer Opportunities Topup. The amount of the grant is 250 €/month (8,33 €/day).
Inclusion support you can apply, if you have a special need that causes extra costs for the exchange period, that cannot be covered by any other sources. Special need may be due to an injury, mental or physical illness, learning disability, personal situation, or other similar reason. Please contact the Internationalisation Services for more information.
You are able to open the forms by clicking the name of the form. After that you need to download the file and save it to your computer or elsewhere before are can start filling the form.
European language levels self assessment
European language levels – self assessment grid Certificate of Language Proficiency
Erasmus+ Learning Agreement 2024-2025 Instructions for Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement To be noticed during a mobility period Changes to the Original Learning Agreement Recognition Outcomes – The Receiving Institution (Letter of Confirmation) Erasmus Student Charter Declaration of Green Travel support Declaration of Fewer Opportunities Topup
Magellan application form / Magellan network online application system Magellan Certification of Language Proficiency Learning agreement – non-EU
To be noticed during a mobility period Changes to the original learning agreement – non-EU Recognition Outcomes – The Receiving Institution (Letter of Confirmation) USA visa
N2N Mobility Guidelines Learning agreement – non-EU
To be noticed during a mobility period Changes to the original learning agreement – non-EU Recognition Outcomes – The Receiving Institution (Letter of Confirmation)
Bilateral Study Exchange
Learning Agreement – non-EU To be noticed during a mobility period Changes to the Original Learning Agreement – non-EU Recognition Outcomes – The Receiving Institution (Letter of Confirmation)
SoleMOVE and SoleGRANT
Every student going for international exchange has to make an online application to SoleMOVE before going abroad.
Grants for exchange must be applied in SoleGRANT after your SoleMOVE exchange application is approved, you have confirmed your exchange pace in SoleMOVE and you have received an acceptance letter from the host university or signed learning agreement for traineeships form from the training place.
Lapland UAS email
Student must use only Lapland UAS email during the exchange. Remember to renew your password and empty your email regularly.
Financing the Exchange
Before going abroad remember to take care of the needed financing for the exchange period. Lapland UAS grants do not cover all the expenses of the exchange, thus you must be prepared to use your own savings. Please notice that there might be extra fees for example visas, registrations, deposit etc.
Passport, Visa and Residence Permit
Check that your passport is valid during the exchange period. Also check if you need a Visa or a Residence Permit for your exchange country. Please notice that some exchange universities may require the copy of the valid passport attached to the exchange application. You can have for more information about Visa and Residence Permit from the exchange country’s embassy. Be prepared to apply for the Residence Permit in good time in advance.
Travel notification
Submit, prior to the start of the mobility period, a travel notification via the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland at: – Front page Instructions how to make a travel notification.
Right of Residence and Work Permit
Nordic Countries: Finnish citizens do not need a Residence Permit for staying in the Nordic Countries. If you are International student, please check the requirements for your nationality
In the EU countries the students must register their right to reside if staying in the country more than 3 months. Students can do the registration at the local police or the immigration service of the exchange country,
For the registration you need among others a passport, attendance certificate (letter of acceptance) from your host university, certificate of finance for your exchange study period (fro example the documents of the grants, KELA study grants, and money that you have with you/you can use), passport photos and local money. Check all needed documents from the authorizing body in question.
If you are International student, you most likely need a Residence Permit to the host country. Please check the requirements for your nationality.
In some exchange destinations (political situation or other reason) it is recommended to register to local Finnish authorities (embassy), especially if staying in the country for a long time.
In EU region labour force can move freely without work permit. Registration of right of residence (EU citizens) is obligatory if you stay in the country more than 3 months. For other countries, please check the country-specific work permit procedures.
Study Grant Application (KELA)
For more information and forms from Lapland UAS Financial Aid Committee and the Lapland UAS web pages and also from KELA’s pages.
Social Security: The European Health Insurance Card (EU Citizens)
EU citizens have the same benefits and duties to social security as the citizens of that country. Apply from KELA the European Health Insurance Card which certifies that you are entitled to the Social Services of the EU: The card is very useful for example if you need hospital treatment.
Travel Insurance
Each International student doing degree programme and going abroad is obliged to acquire themselves a sufficient insurance that covers for example illness, accidents, repatriation and if needed, liability issues. Ask for more information from insurance companies.
During the unpaid training students are insured with Lapland UAS insurance that covers accidents and occupational diseases in working hours as well as liability issues (USA and Canada excluded). Print copy of certificate of the validity of liability insurance and insurance for accidents. For study exchange all Lapland UAS students are covered by the group accident insurance. This insurance covers expenses caused by an accident during studies according to the curricula or immediate travel to the study location. You can print the copy of the validity certificate here.
When travelling, always remember that things can be replaced, but life cannot be.
Travelling tickets and travelling timetables
Compare prices of the different travelling possibilities to get the best use of the grants. Affordable student tickets are sold by many travel agencies such as Kilroy Travels and Are. They have offices in numerous countries, which makes changing the tickets easier. Remember to inform travel times to the exchange university / training place and your family.
Student Identity Card
In Finland travel agencies (for example Kilroy Travels) sell International Student Identity Card (ISIC) which entitles to discount in different countries. Most of the discount are for travelling, but ISIC can also be used for bargaining about the student discounts when visiting museums etc.
Letter of Acceptance, Proof of Means of Support, Passport photos
Take Letter of Acceptance, Proof of Means of Support (for example in Finland foreigners are required to have at least 560€ per month); students can use for example a document of the grant, KELA study grant or other assets (bank statement). Take copies of the documents and passport and keep them in a different place than the originals.
Take adequate amount of passport photos with you, at least 5-10 photos.
Remember to take care of the housing-related matters, such as rent, electricity contract, notice of removal, postal services etc. Find yourself an apartment from the exchange destination in good time in advance and keep all the apartment-related documents and agreements (tenancy agreement with tenancy period and price) in safe.
Addresses and Contact Information
Make all needed change of addresses for the period of absence: Post, Registry Office, Study Affairs Office. Take with you all important contact information in Finland, Lapland UAS (study councellor, training supervising teacher, internationalisation services) as well as in exchange destination (for example Finnish Embassy) and leave a copy to your family / trusted person.
For the exchange, take with you a list of needed addresses and directions. Pack the list to your hand luggage so that you can take it out easily.
Financial Matters
Find out the most practical way of taking care of your finances in the destination: to open a bank account or to withdraw money from automatic cash dispenser from the Finnish bank account, how to transfer money to the destination etc. Give instructions to your family / trusted person. Make an authorization for your banking matters in Finland. The authorization should include also other things, such as insurance and study grant matters. The authorization document must be signed by two witnesses.
Find out the most convenient way of taking money with you: cash travel cheque, credit cards, VisaElectron etc.
Health Care
Take care of the needed vaccinations and visit the dentist before going abroad. Remember to have your pharmaceuticals with you for the whole exchange period. Take also plasters, basic painkillers, basic lotion etc.
There are specific instructions for Health Care students about the needed vaccinations and medical examinations before and after the exchange: more information from the Internationalisation Services. Lapland UAS does not cover the expenses of the possible vaccinations. Students pay the costs of the vaccinations themselves.
Information about Finland, Lapland UAS and the destination
Be prepared to answer the most extraordinary questions about Finland and Lapland UAS. Addresses to sources of Finland-information. If interested in books, Facts about Finland is very useful.
Familiarize yourself with Lapland UAS brochures and web pages in English so that you know the Lapland UAS terminology. You can also pick up a Lapland UAS information package from your Internationalisation Services before going abroad. Ask more!
Take with you also Rovaniemi/Kemi/Tornio information and pictures, for example post cards. In advance familiarize yourself with the exchange country and culture as well as you can. You can have more information from books and the Internet.
Be prepared for situations when presents are needed (such as invitation to a party) by taking with you something small, like key chains etc. It is nice to take something that is originated from your own country.
Internationalisation Services arranges an orientation for outgoing exchange students.
The invitation to the orientation will be sent to accepted students after the SoleMOVE application has been accepted.
Orientation is diveded into two sessions.
Part I: 12.3.2025 at 14 – 15.30
Part II: 24.4.2025 at 14 – 15.30
Orientation materials are stored in the Moodle workspace after the sessions.
More detailed instructions on the exchange process and tasks during and after the exchange can be found in the Moodle workspace Outgoing Orientation – Lapland UAS. You can get the enrolment key for the workspace from internationalisation services,
Cancellation or termination of the exchange
Exchange preparations require a lot of work from Lapland UAS as well as the partner / host institution (training destination). The exchange can be cancelled only with cogent reasons. If you consider discontinuing the exchange, you should immediately contact the Internationalisation Services (
If you are thinking of ending your exchange earlier than planned, you must immediately contact the Internationalisation Services. They will discuss with the study cousellor about the termination of the exchange and early return. The study counsellor gives the approval for the termination. Paid grants are mainly month-specific which means that termination or early return leads to paying back all or some part of the grants.
If you experience during your exchange any situations that make your staying difficult, contact immediately the coordinator or instructor of your exchange destination and the Internationalisation Services in Lapland UAS. Lapland UAS wants to take care of the students during the international exchange and the sooner you contact, the better we are able to help you.